African Music and Arts Festival

Photos by César Martínez

African Music and Arts Festival

By Sana Vasi

Although, at first, I was a little annoyed at having to give up my Monday to attend the African Arts and Music Festival, the experience is definitely one that I do not regret now. Living in Singapore for 15 years, I had never really been able to immerse myself in African culture; however, spending the day at the fair helped me understand it a little better. Everyone there was bursting with energy, and eager to answer the million questions I had—regardless of how ignorant I probably sounded. As a shopaholic, I enjoyed looking at all the colorful jewelry on display—but, to me, the highlight of the entire trip was watching the poetry recitals up on stage. It was like I was able to see the world through their eyes, and could really feel the emotions they were trying to convey. Other people in our class had similar experiences. For example, Anna Misenti said: “I really liked being able to get a glimpse at African culture. I loved just wandering around, and talking to different people.” Meanwhile, Victoria Walker claimed: “it was really interesting to see various cultures come together in one place. The food is really good too,” she added.

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